ants, ant keeping Martinho GM ants, ant keeping Martinho GM

Pheidole megacephala Ecology and Care Guide

This species is considered one of the most problematic invasive ant species and has caused devastating environmental problems all over the world, hence it is important to know how to know more about their ecology.

Pheidole (read as fidole), comes from Greek and it refers to being thrifty, which is something growing strong and healthy.

As anyone who has ever encountered Pheidole megacephala nests in the wild, or keeping them in captivity, can only be amazed by how vigorous their colonies grow!

In its native habitat this ant species is known as the brown house ant, but for everybody else, Pheidole megacephala is known as the African big headed ant, one of the world's worst invasive ants species.

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ants, ant keeping Martinho GM ants, ant keeping Martinho GM

Solenopsis - Fire Ants - Polygyny

The Tropical Fire Ant (TFA), Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius) 1804, is native to South and Central America and has spread to many other parts of the world have become serious pests.

They build conspicuous earthen mounds, which are aggressively defended by the painful stinging of often great numbers of workers. They have a high reproductive rate, a high population density, an efficient dispersal behaviour, and wide geographical distribution.

These ants inhabit disturbed environments, often in areas of human habitat modification, and so, people are often forced to alter outdoor activities where fire ants are present. Fire ants can sting repeatedly. Symptoms of a fire ant sting include burning and itching. The ant injects venom containing an oily alkaloid called Solenopsin that is toxic to cells. It causes a white pustule to form in a day or two. Although the sting is not usually life threatening, they are easily infected and may leave permanent scars.

This nuisance will generally lower the tolerance of their presence among humans.

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