ants, ant keeping Martinho GM ants, ant keeping Martinho GM

Pheidole megacephala Ecology and Care Guide

This species is considered one of the most problematic invasive ant species and has caused devastating environmental problems all over the world, hence it is important to know how to know more about their ecology.

Pheidole (read as fidole), comes from Greek and it refers to being thrifty, which is something growing strong and healthy.

As anyone who has ever encountered Pheidole megacephala nests in the wild, or keeping them in captivity, can only be amazed by how vigorous their colonies grow!

In its native habitat this ant species is known as the brown house ant, but for everybody else, Pheidole megacephala is known as the African big headed ant, one of the world's worst invasive ants species.

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ants, ant keeping Martinho GM ants, ant keeping Martinho GM

Yellow Crazy Ants - Care Guide and Ecology

Anoplolepis gracilipes is commonly known by one of two names, the first and most common is the Yellow Crazy Ant and second but more scientifically correct is the Slender Leg Ant. The name crazy ant arises from its characteristic behavior that is to run erratically in rapid movements when disturbed, and the name slender leg comes from their long and thin stalky legs.

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